
We propose current transformers and/ or analog electronics, according to your measurement type and beam structure. Contact us for technical advices.

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Beam Structure

  • Non-destructive DC beam current measurement


    Non-destructive DC beam current measurement
    • Full Scale Range ±20 mA, ±200 mA, ±2 A and ±20 A
    • Resolution down to 0.5 µA rms/√(Hz)
    • Output Bandwidth from DC to 10 kHz (-3dB)
    • Linearity error ≤ 0.1 %
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  • CR-BCM

    Current measurement with sub-nanoamperes resolution of CW beams and macropulses
    • Beam repetition frequency from 30 MHz to 175 MHz
    • Response time  < 1 µs
    • 100 mm axial length
    • 300 mm external diameter
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  • Precise waveform measurement of long pulses


    Precise waveform measurement of long pulses
    • Full Scale Range from ±1 mA to ±2 A
    • Single Range or 3 Selectable-Range
    • Resolution ≤ 1.5 µArms
    • Droop ≤ 2 %/ms
    • Bandwidth from 3 Hz to 1 MHz (-3dB)
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  • Precise average current measurement of CW beams or macropulses


    Precise average current measurement of CW beams or macropulses
    • Resolution of 1 µArms
    • With Low Current option: ≤ 8 nA rms resolution
    • Operating Frequency from 15 MHz to 200 MHz
    • Response Time of 1 µs
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  • Very fast non-destructive pulsed or CW beams observation


    Very fast non-destructive pulsed or CW beams observation
    • Sensitivity from 0.25 to 5 V/A
    • Bandwidth up to 1.5 GHz
    • Rise time ≤ 230 ps
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  • Beam charge measurement


    Beam charge measurement
    • Sensitivity (ICT alone) from 0.25 to 10 Vs/C
    • Full Scale range from 800 pC to 400 nC
    • Noise on single bunch of 0.55 pC
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  • Ultra short bunch and very low charge measurement

    Turbo-ICT & BCM-RF-E

    Ultra short bunch and very low charge measurement
    • Bunch length ≤ 100 ps
    • Resolution of 10 fCrms or 1 % of a single pulse charge
    • Bunch repetition rate ≤ 2 MHz
    • Possible to get digitized output with BCM-RF-DAQ
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  • Industrial non-destructive DC beam current measurement


    Industrial non-destructive DC current measurement
    • Full Scale Range from ±1 mA to ±20 A
    • 10 µA resolution over 1 second
    • Output Bandwidth from DC to 3.8 kHz (-3dB)
    • Aperture of 82 mm (3.23”)
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  • LR-BPM


    Log-Ratio BPM Electronics
    • Resolution X & Y Pickup aperture radius / 10'000
    • Dynamic Range > 50 dB
    • Operating Frequency ≤ 500 MHz
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  • S-BPM


    Single-pass bunch position measurement for S-band beams
    • Resolution X & Y is pickup aperture radius / 10'000
    • Dynamic Range > 50 dB
    • Operating Frequency of 2.856 GHz and 2.999 GHz
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  • Single-pass bunch position measurement for low repetition rate


    Single-pass bunch position measurement for low repetition rate
    • Resolution X & Y is pickup diameter / 1000
    • Dynamic Range > 70 dB
    • Operating Frequency from 200 kHz to 25 MHz
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  • Multi-pass or CW beam position measurement


    Multi-pass or CW beam position measurement
    • Resolution X & Y down to 1 µm
    • Dynamic Range > 75 dB
    • Operating Frequency from 60 MHz to 500 MHz
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  • Low-cost predicted beam loss counting


    Low-cost predicted beam loss counting
    • Single particle detection efficiency > 30 %
    • Spurious count rate < 0.1 Hz
    • Maximum count rate > 10 MHz
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